RICHMOND VALLEY COUNCIL: Woodburn Riverside Park
Richmond Valley Council
Project Name
Woodburn Riverside Park
Infrastructure, Land Development, LandscapingAbout This Project
Boyds Bay Landscaping were engaged by Richmond Valley Council to upgrade the existing Woodburn Riverside Park. Woodburn is located roughly 40 minutes south of Ballina in the New South Wales, Northern Rivers region. The aim for the upgrade was to attract the passers by to detourĀ or come back to spend some time enjoying Woodburn once the Pacific Highway diversion aroundĀ the town is completed. Instead of a quick stop as the drive up and down the east coast, it will become a destination in and of itself.
The existing park consisted of 20 plus years of gradual additions, leaving many of the aspects of the park dated and mismatched. The new design called for the demolition of all structures to the southern end of the park and starting fresh with a clean slate. The scope of works included new concrete pavements, stone clad walls that separated different zones in the park while also functioning as seating and retaining walls, large sandstone blocks that also created more features, seating and tiered retaining down to an existing beach area. The scope of works also included new shelters, furniture, lawns, gardens and a playground with a large sand pit.
Aspects of the job that were a challenge to over come when building the project were the large volume of pedestrians that had to be maneuvered around the job and working on the edge of the Richmond River.